Scontro treni Puglia, indagati ferrovieri – Puglia –

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Quel treno non doveva partire dalla stazione di Andria. Errore umano, sabato i funerali. Delrio: ‘Ilblocco telefonico è a rischio’. COS’E’ IL BLOCCO TELEFONICO (SCHEDA)[]. Recuperate le scatole nere. – TUTTI I VIDEO[] © ANSA

The trains wreckage are removed at the site of the head-on commuter train collision that occurred Tuesday between the towns of Andria and Corato, in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 13 July 2016. The official death toll of train crash is 23 fatalities and none missing, Governor Michele Emiliano said Wednesday based on a coroner's report. He said 52 wounded were treated and 24 remain hospitalized, eight of them in reserved prognosis. ANSA/ GAETANO LO PORTO
The trains wreckage are removed at the site of the head-on commuter train collision that occurred Tuesday between the towns of Andria and Corato, in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 13 July 2016. The official death toll of train crash is 23 fatalities and none missing, Governor Michele Emiliano said Wednesday based on a coroner’s report. He said 52 wounded were treated and 24 remain hospitalized, eight of them in reserved prognosis. ANSA/ GAETANO LO PORTO

Sorgente: Scontro treni Puglia, indagati ferrovieri – Puglia –

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