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Ambra e le accuse di Silvia Slitti: “Notizie distorte e inappropriate”

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  • set 2022

loredana del ninno


22 set 2022

I legali rispondono dopo che la moglie dell’ex calciatore Pazzini aveva dichiarato che la Angiolini occupava la sua casa di Milano

22 set 2022

loredana del ninno


Italian actress Ambra Angiolini arrives for the premiere of 'Freaks Out' during the 78th annual Venice International Film Festival, Venice, Italy, 08 September 2021. The movie is presented in the Official competition 'Venezia 78' at the festival running from 01 to 11 September.  ANSA/CLAUDIO ONORATI

Ambra Angiolini (Ansa)

Italian actress Ambra Angiolini arrives for the premiere of 'Freaks Out' during the 78th annual Venice International Film Festival, Venice, Italy, 08 September 2021. The movie is presented in the Official competition 'Venezia 78' at the festival running from 01 to 11 September.  ANSA/CLAUDIO ONORATI

Ambra Angiolini (Ansa)

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