Aggiornamento Puglia, incidente ferroviario tra Andria e Corato: 20 morti e 50 feriti. Mattarella: ‘Una tragedia inammissibile’ – Puglia –

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Incidente su tratto a binario unico tra Andria e Corato. LE FOTO[]. Un bimbo estratto vivo dalle lamiere. Persone ancora intrappolate. Nella collisione uno dei duemacchinisti è morto mentre non si hanno, al momento, notizie della sorte del collega che erasull’altro convoglio. Soccorritore: “Una scena allucinante”. Renzi: “Fare chiarezza”. Il governoriferirà in Aula Senato. Delrio: “Faremo una commissioned’indagine” I precedenti[]© ANSA

Rescue tems at the site of the head-on train collision between the towns of Andria and Corato in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 12 July 2016. The crash, that took place on a single-track stretch, has left at least 20 dead. ANSA/ LUCA TURI
Rescue tems at the site of the head-on train collision between the towns of Andria and Corato in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 12 July 2016. The crash, that took place on a single-track stretch, has left at least 20 dead. ANSA/ LUCA TURI
Rescue tems at the site of the head-on train collision between the towns of Andria and Corato in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 12 July 2016. The crash, that took place on a single-track stretch, has left at least 20 dead. ANSA/ LUCA TURI
Rescue tems at the site of the head-on train collision between the towns of Andria and Corato in the southern Puglia region, Italy, 12 July 2016. The crash, that took place on a single-track stretch, has left at least 20 dead. ANSA/ LUCA TURI

Sorgente: Puglia, incidente ferroviario tra Andria e Corato: 20 morti e 50 feriti. Mattarella: ‘Una tragedia inammissibile’ – Puglia –


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